
Thursday, January 12, 2012


To a Maine Coon, EVERYTHING is a toy. We had some tall decorative grass outside. One of his favorite games was to climb up the tree next to the grass, then leap into the grass while trying to grab one of the big fluffy seed heads on the tip of each grass blade.

The holiday season around Thanksgiving after Oscar turned 3-years-old, I began to find what appeared to be dry grass on the living room carpet. I'd let him play with it for a few days, then I'd throw it away because it would be shredded everywhere.

It was almost Christmas when the "grass" he was bringing in, was in the form of a raffia bow. You know the kind. The ones that go on the bottom of a wreath. I was horrified. Getting in my vehicle, I started driving around to see who's decorations were shredded. Only took me a few minutes to find the "toy" that Oscar kept bringing pieces home. A house down the road, still had the wreath hanging on the door hanging in shreds. Maybe they left it up because they liked watching him systematically dismantle it. I know I wasn't about to ask them.

I have an herb bed and have planted two kinds of catnip in it. Another cat would come every evening, lay down on the catnip and roll around. Oscar would be so frustrated about it and would have to go outside and mark HIS yard again. He was diligent, taking as much as an hour doing his kitty work.

Oscar thought of himself as a "car cat". He loved to go, standing up on the seat with his front paws on the dash watching the cars. He never got to go for any long car rides, just running to the market type of trips. If our trip was more than a day, Oscar had to go to the kitty hotel (vet) where they spoiled him almost as bad as I did.

From the time he was a small kitty he was his "mama's" boy. Any time Mama wasn't feeling good, Oscar would stay right beside me until I was better. I was down for quite awhile when I had a knee replacement and that sweet baby stayed right with me until I was up and around. He would then go outside but would come back to check on me every 10 to 15 minutes. He'd lay down beside me, flop over on his back, and go to sleep while I rubbed his little tummy.  I loved him and I still miss him.

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